I love the loose gestural style Stefan used in this comparison of Land Speed Record holders in this limited print he’s made available. The relative sizes of the machines is something that often gets overlooked in comparison to the stylistic and aerodynamic changes that have marked the evolution of speed. The focus on the body shape is great; minimizing the wheel details to their simple placement in relationship to the body.
Really fantastic stuff. Naturally, I’m more drawn to the pre-war machines in the series, but seeing them all together is really a treat. Stefan is donating £10 from each poster to the Bloodhound Educational Project for future engineers and scientists; truly a perfect philanthropy pairing.
The A2 (16.5″ × 23.5″) prints are limited to 1000 copies and are available for £40 (+shipping) from Stefan directly, more info on his sketch blog.
0 replies on “Loving Stefan Marjoram’s Land Speed Record-Holders Print”
Also interesting to see the progression of speeds which I believe are given in the captions. Of course, the last seven (I think) are jet powered, and I’m only interested in the ones powered thru the wheels–otherwise you might as well count any old jet plane staying on the runway or the Space Shuttle landing.