0 replies on “Speed. Safety. Acceleration. Durability. Braking.”
Affectionately referred to as “A quart in a pint pot”!
I grew up in South Africa, where a few(I believe 16) 1960 Fiat Abarths 750s, were brought into the country. My older brother was the proud owner of one, and I met a few of the other guys , of course everyone wanted the 1000.
My brother went to the factory in 1968 and came home to SA with the brochures of the 0T 1600 and the OT 2000 with the Fiat 850 coupe body. that is still a dream of mine to this day. As a little kid I loved being taken for spins in the little 750 and later when I moved to Los Angeles my big brother and I stripped and restored a 1959 double bubble Zagato. the passion for these little hot rods has not subsided.
Technically, you can. But it’s as heavy as two of these…
0 replies on “Speed. Safety. Acceleration. Durability. Braking.”
Affectionately referred to as “A quart in a pint pot”!
I grew up in South Africa, where a few(I believe 16) 1960 Fiat Abarths 750s, were brought into the country. My older brother was the proud owner of one, and I met a few of the other guys , of course everyone wanted the 1000.
My brother went to the factory in 1968 and came home to SA with the brochures of the 0T 1600 and the OT 2000 with the Fiat 850 coupe body. that is still a dream of mine to this day. As a little kid I loved being taken for spins in the little 750 and later when I moved to Los Angeles my big brother and I stripped and restored a 1959 double bubble Zagato. the passion for these little hot rods has not subsided.
Technically, you can. But it’s as heavy as two of these…