Ferrari Grand Prix Video

Return of the Sharknose

I’m not one to quibble about replica vs. re-creation vs. continuation but I know that these kinds of builds get some people’s dander up. With no surviving example, I can’t imagine that there are many who would argue the merits of this project. After all, it’s about as legit a Ferrari 156 as we’re ever likely to see.

The car itself has been making quite a splash on the European vintage circuit but even if it is a few years old, the video is well worth a watch. I’d like to see more of these kinds of builds and hope that the skills to do so don’t become so scarce that it gets even more difficult to make them happen.

0 replies on “Return of the Sharknose”

It si quite fantastic that anyone would undertake such a replica project and to bring it to fruition. I am on record elsewehere at length as against all such replicas, including well publicized ones. However, when there are no originals to be preserved, the situation is not so bad, as the replica will (I suppose) never rob existing parts that could be used on a real one. One cannot say whether it will ever be passed off as genuine, tho it is clear it is not intended to be (as say, a fake Rembrandt painting). It is ersatz history, however, as neither Willy nor Taffy nor Phil ever even sat in it. I would ban it from any vintage race, just as I would ban all replicas from racing with real vintage cars. Don’t give me that stuff about how all real vintage race cars have had most of their parts replaced, etc. MJ

Did you see the credits? Ferrari accepted the car.
Purist real or not:
Old Spa
Old skinny tires
Bigger nads than I’ll ever have.
When I win the Powerball, who will build me my W125?

Having seen threads like this “go south” in a hurry, I will nevertheless weigh in on the side of Captain Ned and against M.J. I disagree with Mike almost point-by-point. And I’d bet a coffee that, if Phil Hill were still with us and the owner of the re-creation asked him to demo it at Goodwood, he’d be glad to.

Captain Ned, Crostwaithe & Gardner will build you a W125 – they’ve already punched out a couple of Auto Unions. I think, as long as everyone understands the provenance, there is nothing wrong with a replica (or whatever you want to call it) since it gives everyone the opportunity to appreciate seeing it in motion – which is how every great car should be seen.

I’m sure our Old Driver is correct about Phil being happy to drive the new car; nonetheless, see all my arguments in Vintage Racecar Journal Feb 2006 p. 16. There are real W125s; cars that Rudi and Manfred sat in. Go for one of those.

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