Event Lost Track

Greenwood Revival

The grass is poking through most of what remains of the pavement; the curbs are crumbled; the entry gates are hanging on by a powder of rust. None of that is stopping an impromptu celebration of the Greenwood Roadway’s anniversary.

June 8, 2013 marks 50 years since the inaugural event at Greenwood, and some dedicated sports car fans are going to head on over to the track to pay their respects. Cars, Motorcycles, and Karts that raced on the track—and their drivers—will be in attendance.

The track only really operated for 3 years starting in 1963, but in that short time the track played host to local races and SCCA events. Despite it’s short history, the track’s mystique lives on. There were precious few tracks in the midwest, so the memory and the legend of them remains so vitally important in this part of the country. Of course, Mid-Ohio and Road America (and a few other wonderful examples) live on, but those that left, left an impression.

The good news is that the bones of the track are there. There’s enough driveable surface that parade lapping is on the schedule for the weekend. I wouldn’t recommend putting much oomph into the go pedal, but it will give some sense of what it must have been like fifty years ago to charge down one of Greenwood’s sweeping turns at speed.

Greenwood Roadway Today

Whenever I happen upon one of these tracks my heart starts to long for its resurgence. Usually it’s just the musings of a romantic spirit but just take a look at this satellite view of the track as she sits today. There’s a damn lot of it still there. I hope that the revivalists that take in the show and festivities of the Greenwood Revival show up the next weekend with an asphalt truck. This is more than just the barely visible foundations of a track that once was… it’s a dare. She wants to come back. She’s just sitting there, waiting for us. Look at that map and tell me that some part of you doesn’t want her back too.

More information at the Greenwood Revival site and at this wonderful Greenwood Roadway remembrance.

0 replies on “Greenwood Revival”

It’s nice to see this course getting some recognition, although bits and pieces of history have been posted here and there on the ‘net.
Hosting an SCCA-sanctioned USRRC event in ’64 was a Big Deal–promoters were glad to get them. Greenwood looks to have been a challenging and fun track to drive. It’s sad that it didn’t survive.
But if you were racing out of the Great Lakes area, it was a long tow compared to Road America, Meadowdale, or Mid-Ohio. And people racing out of MN or the Dakotas had Brainerd…er…Donnybrooke.

Raced Greenwood in ’65 in an HP Sprite. Though I only came 3rd, it was the most exciting race I ever ran – wheel to wheel with the 2nd place car every turn, every lap. The satellite image of the track does not show the dramatic elevation changes, or the fact that turn 1 was banked almost like the Monza wall.

Google World gives a good impression of the elevation changes. It is kind of out in the middle of nowhere, isn’t? Great design, though.

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