Ladies and Gentlemen, the ex-Fangio Mercedes-Benz W196 is the most valuable motor vehicle ever sold at auction with a final price of $29.6 million.
I have been guilty of complaining about the skyrocketing prices of classic racing cars (after all, I’m still a buyer in this equation). I have complained about speculators buying these cars simply as investments rather than as an expression of their passion for motorsport… but if ever a car deserved the title of “the most”, it might be this one.
More at Bonhams.
0 replies on “Fangio’s W196 Brings In $29,650,095.”
Fangio’s W196 Brings In $29,650,095. http://t.co/SLKIb4ipLa
RT @TheChicane: Fangio’s W196 Brings In $29,650,095.:
Ladies and Gentlemen, the ex-Fangio Mercedes-Benz W196 is the most valu… http://t…
This car is immortal. @TheChicane http://t.co/XDkzXqgDK2
Riccardo Execrable Orsini liked this on Facebook.
Steven Uhlman liked this on Facebook.
Makes a near-perfect, say, ’63 Giulia Spider Veloce look positively reasonable at, say, $100K.
Mind blown
EJ Fournier liked this on Facebook.
Roger Sanborn liked this on Facebook.
Nick Collins liked this on Facebook.
Rémi Dargegen liked this on Facebook.
Jonny Shears liked this on Facebook.
That’s all? History like this should never have a price.
Totally agree Steve. How did this fall short of the 250 GTO sold last year… Prancing Horse factor?
Pete R. Hernandez liked this on Facebook.
Steven Cabales liked this on Facebook.
No problem with it, but at that price it’d be nice to enjoy it on the street every now and then. GTO’s trade privately.
For once, I think this price was totally justified, considering every example is in a museum, and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get this car. everything about it from the history to the design and technology behind it legitimizes the value of the piece.
Fangio’s W196 Brings In $29,650,095. http://t.co/kTqshWEvlt ファンジオのW196が約38.5億円で落札されたという話
Here’s the same car, but then at the Nürburgring 1954 and driven by Fangio on a photo from my archive. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=685060204852879&set=a.150198831672355.29102.120191161339789&type=1&theater