Classic Sportscar

Production Value

It’s auto show season. While the latest supercars and minivans are being debuted in Detroit and LA, let’s remember that some of the best racing cars ever made didn’t have so much as a sheet to pull back when they debuted. Today’s vehicle launches are multimedia extravaganzas of celebrity-hosted augmented reality audio visual choreography that seemingly had more effort in their planning than the econobox they’re revealing.

Not so with the Cooper 500 shown here. Just pull up a cafe chair to set the engine on, hand paint a placard with the maker’s name, and park ’em over by the rollup warehouse door. Done and done.

0 replies on “Production Value”

Le père Cooper a du avoir un bon prix de stand: dans un coin, à côté d’un portail.
Mais il déborde devant !!!
Et ou sont les belles hotesses potelées ?
H (quelle année: vers 1950 ?).

The eloquence of this article comparing the two eras made me chuckle. Very well put and as usual, makes the reader wish for the simpler times.

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