
Spyder Garage

Even in an era before ubiquitous photography where everyone has a camera in their pocket (and no film processing!) there are thousands and thousands of moments captured on track. Perhaps that’s why I’m always so drawn in by these quieter, more banal moments.
This bustling workshop preparing for a race conjures so many stories in my mind: mechanics furiously scrambling to get the machines ready; visiting besuited executives quietly observing or barking encouragement; the professional-looking woman making a—for the time—rare entry to a male-dominated environ. I don’t even know what workshop this is (though it looks like some I’ve seen at LeMans) and as much as I want to know who these people are and what they were actually doing, I might prefer the imagined stories I’ve created for them in my head.
I am curious about the woman in the Dior-esque “new look” style skirt suit though—anyone recognize her?

4 replies on “Spyder Garage”

Looks like LeMans 1954, the number 39 car came in 12th, and the #41 car driven by Hans Herrmann was a DNF. Source is
From the way the lady is standing she reminds me of the old joke, “Would you like to speak to the man in charge or the woman who knows what’s going on?”

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