Mario Andretti christened Austin’s Circuit of the Americas with his 1978 Formula 1 World Championship winning John Player Special Lotus 79. Listen to that Cosworth hum.
Thanks, Racer.
Mario Andretti christened Austin’s Circuit of the Americas with his 1978 Formula 1 World Championship winning John Player Special Lotus 79. Listen to that Cosworth hum.
Thanks, Racer.
Gurney and Lotus Crack Nassau Record with Autolite Spark Plugs!
Dan Gurney averages a record 89.54 miles an hour, wins the International Nassau Trophy Race, his first major solo victory in six years. Dan’s reward: some $10,000—more than $1.00 per second of driving time. His car: a flame-colored 2½-liter rear-engine Lotus. His spark plugs: Autolite. Lesson for the day? Makes no difference if you own a Lotus or your name is Dan, Autolite Spark Plugs can’t be beat. There’s a set made especially for the car you drive. As Gurney and the Lotus well prove, you’re always right with Autolite.
Spark Plug Division · Toledo 1, Ohio
The new Lotus +2S 130 is the most superb package a man ever had waiting at his door. Here is all the incomparable roadholding and cornering for which Lotus is the acknowledged world leader. All the style and luxury with which the +2 has always been endowed. And something extra—a new 130 bhp BIG-valve engine and detailed improvements to the suspension and transmission that mean a more outstanding performance than ever. If you want for yourself the most enjoyable driving the world can offer, you want the Lotus +2S 130. Recommended price £2,744. See your nearest dealer now, listed opposite.
Lotus Cars Limited, Norwich, Norfolk, NOR 92W Tel: Wymendham 3411
Dig those bellbottoms.
From the Lotus Eleven Sales Brochure:
Lotus Eleven Le Mans. Lotus Eleven Club. Lotus Eleven Sports.
THE LOTUS ELEVEN is a sports-racing car designed to meet the most exacting requirements of the motoring enthusiast. It combines a maximum speed well over 130 m.p.h. (209 k.p.h.) with a rate of acceleration not equaled by any production sports car, yet it can compete favourably with the smallest cars for economy, achieving 65 m.p.g. (4.4 litres per 100 km.) at moderate speeds. The Lotus Eleven is designed entirely for an unrivalled standard of all round performance; its road holding qualities and braking abilities have been proved time after time under racing conditions.
LOW WEIGHT and low drag, mechanical and structural refinement contribute to this paradox of performance. A programme of race development has been pursued over the years following the principles of simplicity and efficiency. The result is a roomy sports two-seater with a performance unequalled anywhere else in the world.
PARTICIPATION with success in such strenous events at the Le Mans 24 hours, the TT, the Sebring 12 hours and literally hundreds of minor events has produced the stamina essential for any successful high performance car. The Lotus offers the essence of motoring sport in all its aspects. Service and spares are readily available throughout a world-wide network of distributors and dealers.
THE LOTUS ELEVEN is available in three versions: the Le Mans model attains the highest standards of performance and is recommended for international competition; it is powered by the Coventry Climax engine has has disc brakes and a de Dion final drive. The Club model is basically similar, having the same engine driving a live axle; it has drum brakes. It is recognized by the S.C.C.A. as a productions sports car. The Sports model has a similar specification to the Club model but it is powered by a Ford 100E 1172 cc. engine. It is eligible as a series production sports car for the Autosport Championship.
In accordance with the company’s progressive policy, the right to alter specifications without notice is reserved.
Hard Top available on all models.
Lotus Engineering Co. Ltd.
Tottenham Lane, London, N.8
Telephone: Mountview 8363 and 4044
“I feel that the Lotus is the best attempt yet to provide the enthusiast with a competition car at a price he can afford to pay. In essentials, it is just as sound an engineering job as the most expensive sports car, and the economy is only brought about by the clever adaptation of mass-produced components.”
Sounds to me like J. V. Bolster was on to something. This Lotus 6 looks every bit as desirable today as it did when Autosport wrote this glowing review in 1953.
I headed to the InterMarque Spring Kickoff event this morning in St. Paul, MN, which had a very good turnout of vintage sportscars despite the gloomy weather. The highlight of the show for me was this homebuilt Crosley Special, garage-built in 1951 and with hillclimb and gymkhana history in Indiana going to back to the mid 50s. It was a stunning little car, and far and away my favorite of the day.
As gorgeous as this little Crosley was, it was by no means the only show-stopper on hand. There was a very strong showing from a variety of makes: Plenty of Citroens, MGs, Healeys, Triumphs, and Jags—with a few Maseratis, pre-war luxury cars, and a few vintage bikes as well. A wonderful mix of cars, in conditions ranging from Pebble Beach Competitors (the Daimler pictured below has competed there), to well preserved, to rusty and rattle-canned. Excellent variety of cars at virtually every level of collecting.
The Vintage Foreign Motors of the Upper Midwest hosts a very fun event that has grown many-fold in recent years. Excellent!
Here’s a few more shots from the event.
Marc wrote in with another gorgeous model posing with a gorgeous model – this time a Lotus 47/Europa. Thanks Marc!
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